October 28, 2008

1 life gone..8 to go

perhaps it is true when people says that cat have 9 lives...

Fasha (that was what my fiancee called her) has been admitted to vet hospital after she perform a daring leap of faith from the first floor down to the ground floor of my fiancee house. indeed a heart-wrenching moment for her (my fiancee)..fasha was in her custody while i was away in miri for a meeting.

i myself was petrified to hear about it when it happen......lucky that no bones were broken and everything else is probably ok.

as soon as i got myself in KL from Miri, i went straightaway to the vet, but i was a little too late. so went seeing her the next day.

She couldn't barely walk since IV drops was attached to the feet, pity her.

we had her out from the hospital and took her together to JB, so that we could observe her closely. After a while in JB, she seems to be in happy mood and jumping all over here and there. as if nothing happen before...perhaps being in cages makes her while being doped with morphine makes her a bit stressed.

oh yes, she's seems to be growing healthy and had lots of sleep...


i guess it is true then..cats have 9 lives..


why fasha? don't ask me...

1 comment:

AT said...
