April 26, 2010


my last post was in..hmmmm…long ago

been busy for some time, bit lazy to write anything here also.

nevertheless, lets look what i have been doing for the past 4 months..

those who read my wife, probably knew that we had moved to our own house. so most of the time within the past 4 months circling around the new home.

got they key to the house on the eve of new year, the legal process took forever and i had to call the legal firm every day if not every 4 hours.

we moved in somewhere in february after the renovation on the kitchen were completed and everything else in the house is already been done.

i totally forgot to take any photos of the pre-renovation and moving-in of the house. So before moving in i have the whole living room re-painted with yellow and green, its kinda weird at first but eventually it look wonderful.


had the marble grind and polished to shine, restore its glory back. initially thought that i am able to do it manual. at last, i give it to professional to do it. they are there for a reason.

it took us both months browsing furniture catalogue, going in and out furniture store (same goes for the exterior paint job), just to find a suitable furniture. end of the day, we furnished the livingroom with some of ikea things. which i like very much, just like i imagine it.

The kitchen area were where most renovation job took place, since the cooking area were somewhere in the middle of the place, which i’m not in favor with. so we had it removed to make space for a larger area, and built a new kitchen area at the back. took 1 1/2 month to complete it. burn a hole in my pocket as well. This is how it looks like at the end.


we salvaged the door panel from the old unit and revived it function in the new kitchen.

The house is still on-going some minor touch up, especially in the library (i’m not sure when it’ll be complete) hahahaha

ok la..tido2..till next time..

1 comment:

Dils said...

i sedih u amik gamba time rumah selerak. hehe.