September 24, 2008

They just like to make it confusing....

i am in the process of preparing all the necessary regulation for my marriage and since i am not a local here in selangor nor do my fiancee, i am quiet confused by the process that it all took. My fiancee is a native johorian and me have been residing here in selangor for over 3 years.

at first i thought i have to get application from johor, but it was a relieve that i could do it from selangor, and it was quite a convenience when visiting JAIS website. Almost all the information that i needed was there and it is a clear cut process. i know where to go, who to call.

But when it come to filling up the registration for my fiancee, it was nothing but confusion. Those who'd been there know how confused it is when comes to interstate marriage. although the main objective is similar, but the information given was unclear and i might say "its not helping at all"

so today, i make a call to JAIJ to ask a few queries regarding some of the things that unclear to both of us. Was asking about the Surat status bujang...

A : Cik, saya nak tanya pasal surat status bujang ni. Syarikat tempat saya bekerja ni kebanyakan pengurusan berbangsa cina. Termasuk HR sendiri. Boleh ke nak dapat kan tandatangan dari HR? (since the requirement is must be signed by muslim employee)

B : Takde manager2 lain yang beragama islam ke?

A : takde...manager HR bukan muslim.

B : kalau macam tu, ketua badan kebajikan takde ke?

A : Badan kebajikan (WTF)? tak faham la cik....

B : ala..badan kebajikan, yang uruskan kalo ada urusan2 berkaitan keagamaan macam maulidur rasul, terawikh syarikat utk bulan ramadhan...

A : (WTF again). takde cik, ni kompeni yang majority cina, kalau bukan cina..india..takpe la. nnti saya cuba lagi la

you see...badan kebajikan? what the hell..never heard of it before. government office might need it maybe (to justify for the income tax usage).....

how on earth i would find one.....badan kebajikan anak2 yatim ada la...

haih......esok call lagi la...nak tanya umur dulu, kalo lagi muda dari aku, aku tanak tanya soalan kt dia...buang masa je...

and one more thing, why should there be majlis agama and another is jabatan agama?

one is good enough, two is just confusing....


AT said...

g00d luck s0me in managing y0ur surat pengesahan bujang!between, selamat hari raya, maaf zahir dan batin. 0-0 arrr

none said...

"one is good enough, two is just confusing...."

yet Datuk K dare to get married, again..hihihiihhi..