September 13, 2008

More on Ramadham 1429

This ramadhan marked the fourth ramadhan since i started working here in KL, and it will be the ramadhan i remember.

it was the first ramadhan that i am totally by myself. I was just beginning to familiar myself with KL life, going to work by bus and arrive home at the brink of iftar. KLCC coldstorage was then my favourite place to buy food for iftar and sahur, till i got fed-up with it.

There was time that my meal for the whole day were donuts from dunkin donut, and it is something that i would remember for all time. That very morning, i was too sleepy to wake up that in my sleep i reach the donut that i placed beside me before bed and i put it in my mouth. chewing and gulping it down my stomach while i was half asleep. lucky enough i'm not choked from it.

Things had gone better since, and i am grateful for what i have now. i'm trying to make a better living from day to day...

ok, thats old story..

1 comment:

AT said...

Some..Lucky for you to have dunkin donut for sahur and berbuka! We don't have Dunkin Donut in KK but we do have Big Apple. [For info - If you have the chance to drop by in KK from KL please bring Dunkin Donut for ole2, you don't mind rite?Request from ur kawaii friend]

Well, my point here is be grateful for what we have now either than have nothing at all. And Selamat Berpuasa, hopefully this ramadhan teaches us to be more humble and be more human