September 18, 2008

Like a phoenix...rise from the ashes

i don't know what did i do, however a spyware/malware or whatever it is managed to slip inside my system and starts to annoy me with pop-ups..i hate when that happen...

like my fiancee told me, its easy to remove a computer virus, because we can pinpoint its location. but when it comes to these spyware/malware, its kinda hard since these thing camouflage themselves within the files in the computer.

it had me struggle all day trying to fix the thing while doing my work in the office. so tense..

as a last resort, i do what other rookies would normally do..things that i try to avoid whenever possible.

after all that i knew failed, i decided to backup my document and formatted the drive. lucky that i had my drive partitioned. Now its alright again and i'm taking every steps with precaution...


AT said...

yo some, you can try by to change the setting at TOOL --> Internet Option ---> Advanced. But then byk karaja la!

Some said...

sampai dekat advanced tu mau buat apa biding?