August 31, 2008


Happy birthday to Malaysia 51st today.

Lucky that it falls on sunday and it is public holiday tomorrow.

Was not doing anything today despite that it was a good day to be out of home, but i prefer to be at home sitting at my chair watching movies all day long and not thinking of anything outside the compound of the house. Guess that lots of wedding today since people will take chances of the 31st august.

My minds do a lot of thinking about preparation of marriage now since its september and that means i have months more to go. Thinking of it might scare me of the wall...

Will start in the new office next Tuesday, its been more than 2 years since i had been seconded to Ranhill Worley to overseer the work there and its been a wonderful times since i got a complimentary client parking. was that good? its terrific..

now i had to wake up every day thinking where i would park to work..sigh

Thats what we call independent...

1 comment:

Dils said...

kesian la sape br kawin wiken lepas