August 15, 2008

Day 3

wake up this morning at 7 and i think i have overcome my jet-lag. Sunrise was lovely this morning. it his direct thru my window and i get a very clear view of it. Spoilt that i can't get to the balcony and the windows wasn't that clean to take a photo.

Had my breakfast, and was still thinking why there were lots of teens at this hotel at this time. its like the whole hotel was occupied by teens, and all of them are wearing suits and the girls dress nicely and looks pretty decent.

The office wasn't quite far from the hotel, and we drove to there. it was a surprise to see what's waiting for me there.

They been expecting me from last week and i was introduced to every single one of them there. of course i couldn't remember their names and faces. But they knew me. The welcome was really nice that they had this put up on the entrance...


Haslee was still on his way from Denver this morning. Will only arrive at noon.

They invited me to joint them for a lunch, and we had our lunch at Bodean Seafood Restaurant, somewhere along the road there.

image  image  image

Ordered a Grilled Atlantic Salmon. It was really nice. The price? if its in KL, it would definitely be Rm30 for salmon. its priced for USD12 and if you're earning in USD, it is considerably cheap (i think so)

So there goes my day 3 here. Need to buy sandals, i don't want to walk with shoes everytime i goes out of my room to get something from outside...


Suria Khamis said...

suddenly, i am reminded of reese's peanut butter... imagine, if the have the cupcake peanut butter size besar mcm tayar kereta.... BEST GILER!!!!!!!!!!

Dils said...

balik malaysia.. ape tu naik.. kolesterol? blood pressure?

duk mkn seafud je... mkn vegetarian tu ...



AT said...

Yo some!Macam sedap jak itu shrimp and salmon with peanut sauce!lapar haku...posa2 gini nampak makanan macam nih, macam ada sambal pulak tp inda logik2 pulak kan!ahahah

p/s Food for bachelor siok every wednesday @ 2130 hrs, and jamie!!