Haslee misses his flight to KL this morning, which resulting in me travelling alove to US.and dia tak ambik lagi Visa dia...kacau kacau...boleh imagine muka taxi driver tu masin je kene marah sbb lambat ambik haslee and terlepas flight
The flight was really tad bit boring since there was nobody to talk to since everybody else in the flight are either business man or dato2 or foreign tourist.
Just arrive in LA and feeling really tired and sleepy, spent the whole flight watching movies and movies...tomorrow had to get up early for flight to Tulsa. Busuk btul rasa, tak mandi lagi since dari KL tadi...ni yang susah tempat org putih ni...berak takde pili air...
Makan? tutup mata, bukak mulut...kunyah je la..(Peluang pemasaran sos cili kt sini kemungkinan bagus, sbb takde sos cili maggi. tak sedap makan fries cicah ngan tabasco)
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